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Funke Mediengruppe Relies on Process Mining from Celonis

AI-based technology for greater efficiency in procurement

Celonis – the market leader in AI-based process mining and process excellence software -today announced that it will support Funke Mediengruppe. Funke, a leading media company in Germany, will use Celonis’ software to analyze and improve its internal processes. This technology supports employees in carrying out their everyday work and constitutes an important pillar of the media company’s digitalization strategy.

With the aid of process mining, data within the company is processed in a way that creates transparency regarding internal processes as the first step. High-performance algorithms detect deviations from the planned, ideal process flow and identify major drivers. Company processes are thus being improved in the long run, which greatly contributes to automation and standardization within the Group.

Funke will first use Celonis to analyze and optimize the purchase-to-pay process. This area is of major relevance for the media company and thus an ideal starting point for a transformation driven by process mining.

“We want to make the most of the opportunities offered by digitalization to achieve full transparency for our internal workflows and maximize our business performance – which is why we’re using the technology from Celonis from now on,” says Michael Wüller, CFO at Funke. “Our goal is to strategically transform our procurement workflow. Well-thought-out and standardized procurement processes allow us to increase efficiency as well as the satisfaction level of all interest groups within the Group.”

“Funke Mediengruppe is one of the largest publishing groups in Germany and we are delighted that we are able to support it in optimizing procurement and driving forward its digital transformation with our technology,” adds Bastian Nominacher, co-founder and co-CEO at Celonis. “While procurement processes nowadays tend to already be digitalized and automated for the most part, they pass through a number of spheres of responsibility and IT systems. Our technology enables exceptions and deviations in the process flow to be detected and eliminated, reduces complexity, and boosts transparency and efficiency.”

About Celonis

Celonis – the leading provider of process mining and process excellence software – transforms data into insights and measures. Its Intelligent Business Cloud allows companies to rapidly understand and improve their operational backbone. Companies across the globe – including Siemens, 3M, Airbus, and Vodafone – rely on Celonis in enacting measures and driving forward changes in business processes, resulting in cost savings worth millions and an improved customer experience. The company is based in Munich and New York.

About FUNKE Mediengruppe

FUNKE MEDIENGRUPPE is centered on providing top-quality information, entertainment, and services. In doing so, it focusses on three specific business fields: regional media, women’s magazines and TV guides, and digital services. Over 1,500 journalists and about 4,500 media professionals work at FUNKE. In Germany, the company publishes daily newspapers in Berlin, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, and Thuringia, including the Berliner Morgenpost, Braunschweiger Zeitung, Hamburger Abendblatt, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, and Thüringer Allgemeine. FUNKE is one of the largest suppliers in the magazine segment. Its portfolio includes titles like Hörzu, Gong, TV Digital, BILD der FRAU, Frau im Spiegel, die aktuelle, myself, and DONNA. These are joined by a wide range of puzzle and specialist magazines, as well as lifestyle magazines. In the digital segment, FUNKE is building up a network of specialized job portals like ABSOLVENTA and joblocal, while in the publishing and social media sector FUNKE is one of the largest providers on the German market, with a majority stake in MEDIA PARTISANS. The FUNKE Group distributes the leading gazettes in all of the locations in which it issues its daily papers. FUNKE holds majority shares in local radio stations in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. What’s more, the company is also active on the Austrian newspaper market (Kronen Zeitung, Kurier). FUNKE also organizes the Golden Camera Award and Goldene Bild der Frau Award – two top-class events.

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